Page 73 - SC Annual Report 2018 (ENG)
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well as scholarships for postgraduate studies for
Diagram 1
employees. The SC also provides opportunities for
Model Regulator Programme learning through secondments, participation in
or MoRE@Sc Programme international meetings and project work.
The SC views the sharing of knowledge and
18 Participants experience between regulators as critical in
developing regulatory capacity co-operation and
graduates department effectiveness. To this end, it continues to share
of whom rotation to gain technical expertise and experience with foreign
16 are SC greater exposure regulatory counterparts. In 2018, the SC hosted
scholars to various aspects two regulators from the Australian Securities and
of the SC’s work
before final Investments Commission, one from the Capital
placements Markets Authority of Kenya and another two
from the Securities and Exchange Commission of
Internship Cambodia.
At the same time, six SC employees were seconded
Participants to the National Cyber Security Agency (NACSA), the
gain work Monetary Authority of Singapore (MAS), The World
18 exposure at Bank and the International Organization of Securities
the SC while
interns still studying Commissions (IOSCO) Asia Pacific Hub. The SC also
hosted seven study visits by international regulators
from, among others, Bangladesh, Egypt, Morocco,
Oman and Saudi Arabia to discuss developments
relating to the capital market.
Recognising the importance of retaining institutional
The trainees were given assignments related to knowledge to ensure seamless continuity of its
electrical, mechanical and other building services operations, the SC captures employees’ insights
under the supervision of the SC’s technicians. The and experience through different touch points.
exposure provided them with the practical skills and Various initiatives were undertaken to encourage its
knowledge needed in entering the workforce. employees to expand their knowledge beyond the
capital market such as leadership talks and activities
conducted at the SC Knowledge Day, which aims to
nurturing a knowledge culture promote a reading and learning culture throughout
the organisation.
As a knowledge-based institution, the SC invests
generously in the learning and development of
its employees to enhance their competencies and Instilling the highest level of integrity
skills. Its learning and development programme is
based on a 70:20:10 learning philosophy of On-the- As a statutory body entrusted to regulate and
Job; Relationship (mentoring and coaching); and develop the Malaysian capital market, the SC is
Classroom interventions. The initiative comprises committed to ensuring that its employees uphold
core, leadership and technical programmes as the highest level of integrity when discharging their
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