Page 75 - SC Annual Report 2018 (ENG)
P. 75


                            LEVERAGInG dIGITAL TEcHnoLoGY                  Strengthening IT capacity

                           Embracing digitisation                          The SC regularly conducts comprehensive evaluation
                                                                           and enhancement of its data protection systems,
                           In 2018, as part of efforts to encourage the usage of   including the Compromise Assessment and
                           financial technology among employees and vendors,   Distributed Denial-of-Service (DDOS) Mitigation
                           the SC introduced cashless payment options at the   Assessment. It also has in place strategies,
                           Teratai café and the SIDC Bookshop. In less than   technologies, policies and procedures for optimal
                           five months from its introduction, more than 23%   information security assurance as reflected in its
                           of the café total retail sales was made through the   continued accreditation of the Information Security
                           cashless option, indicating a positive adoption of this   Management System (ISMS) ISO/IEC 27001 standard
                           payment mode.                                   from SIRIM.

                           The SC also strengthened its call centre and    Proactive steps have also been taken to safeguard
                           customer relationship management solutions to   data against possible internal exploits either
                           enhance interaction with stakeholders and reduce   intentionally or unintentionally. This has resulted in a
                           ‘islands’ where vital information resides in pockets   more efficient management and governance of
                           of business areas. These systems also optimise   privileged access. Additionally, the reinforcement of
                           workforce productivity in the management of     the Disaster Recovery site perimeter of defence
                           information, tracking of complaints and monitoring   allowed for proactive discovery and deflection of
                           of incoming and outgoing calls.                 suspicious threats before the SC’s systems are

                                                                          PART 3 »» ENGAGING AND DEVELOPING OUR PEOPLE AND COMMUNITY  |  65

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