Page 76 - SC Annual Report 2018 (ENG)
P. 76


                         RESPonSIBLE coRPoRATE cITIZEn                        Sustainability efforts

                        Sustainability efforts

                        The SC is committed to ensure that a culture of
                        sustainability is embraced across the organisation. Its                               carbon
                        efforts in 2018 expanded beyond raising awareness
                        of sustainability issues and focused on catalysing
                        change to optimise resources, eliminate wastage          CAMPAIGN                  CAMPAIGN                                   CAMPAIGN
                        and encourage greener living among employees.           Say no to              Reduce carbon                            Electric Vehicle (EV)
                                                                                 Plastics!                Footprint                              charging Station

                        Encourage employee volunteerism                  •   Promote zero usage of   •   Participate in HP                    •   Provide EV charging bays
                                                                             single-use plastics and   Malaysia’s ‘Go Green                      for electric vehicles
                                                                             straws throughout the     Rewards Programme’
                        To further encourage its employees to give back      building                  by returning and
                        to the community, the SC has rebranded and       •   #SayNOtoPlasticStraws     recycling more than
                        streamlined its Corporate Social Responsibility   •   #StrawlessInSC           435 used toner
                                                                             Encourage the use of
                        initiatives through the SC HEART programme to:       personal containers   •   QR codes to download
                                                                             and cups for food and     the digital versions
                        •    Foster greater employee engagement;             drink takeaway            of SC and AOB Annual
                        •    Nurture relationships between the SC and the                          •   Reports 2017
                                                                                                       Implement digital
                             community; and                                                            subscription at the
                        •    Promote an appreciation of arts & culture,                                SC Library
                             sustainability and societal well-being.                               •   Discourage printing

                        A fundraising programme under the SC HEART
                        initiative, called RELIEF (Relief Effort for LIfE by SC   Disorder. Activities included an exhibition and sale of
                        stafF), was formed to aid humanitarian support for   visual art pieces by three young gifted artists on the
                        both crisis and non-crisis situations. In 2018, more   spectrum.
                        than RM12,000 was raised and more than 370
                        kilograms of staple food items were collected by   In addition to the SC HEART programme, the
                        employees through various in-house fundraising   SC InvestSmart  ScamBuster Run returned for
                        activities. Of this amount, RM10,000 was donated   the second year to raise awareness on scams
                        to the ‘The Lost Food Project’, a pioneering food   and illegal investment schemes. The 6km and
                        bank in Malaysia that rescues quality, nutritious   4km runs attracted 2,558 participants. A total
                        surplus food which is still in date and edible,   of RM104,240 was collected, of which the SC
                                                                        employees contributed RM18,580. The collection
                        and redistribute them to those in need. The SC’s   was channelled to a non-governmental organisation,
                        donation was able to provide 50,000 nutritious   SUKA Society, to support their efforts in providing
                        meals.                                          education for Orang Asli children through the
                                                                        sponsorship of one pre-school for three years, the
                        In conjunction with World Autism Awareness Day in   printing of pre-school syllabus for six schools for
                        April, the SC organised its own Autism Acceptance   one year and the training of Orang Asli Community
                        Day to educate employees on Autism Spectrum     teachers.


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