Page 94 - SC Annual Report 2018 (ENG)
P. 94


                        GrOWtH  OF  tHE  MaLaYSIaN  CaPItaL  MarKEt  IN  tHE  LaSt  25  YEarS:
                        MOBILISING  FINaNCIaL  rESOUrCES  FOr  ECONOMIC  DEVELOPMENt  (Continued)

                        The continued growth and more diversified structure of the economy has increased the funding requirement for
                        domestic businesses, with the debt capital market developing to become an important alternative for business financing,
                        complementing bank credit. Corporate bonds accounted for 45% of total business financing in Malaysia as at end 2017,
                        compared to only 8.8% in 1993.

                        Pension funds, insurance companies and other institutional investors have also played an important role in mobilising
                        savings by investing in the domestic capital market. This has allowed the capital market to continue to provide long-term
                        financing – with the thrust more pronounced in corporate bond issuances – for businesses to fund their activities and for
                        the country’s long-term economic development, including managing infrastructure development needs. The bond market
                        has contributed to more than half of the private-sector infrastructure investments since the early 1990s. The increase in
                        investment is characterised by the secular increase in gross fixed capital formation (GFCF) over the years (Chart 12).

                        Chart 12
                        The Malaysian capital market continued to grow in importance, providing finance and mobilising
                        capital to support economic development

                                Business financing extended via the           Trends of nominal GFCF (1,2)  and total funds
                               banking system and corporate bonds                     raised moving in tandem

                       1,400                                               350                                  120
                             Corporate bonds share of total financing:
                             1993: 8.8%
                       1,200  2017: 45.0%                                  300                                  100

                       1,000                                               250
                      RM billion  800                                     RM billion  200                       60   RM billion

                        400                                                100

                        200                                                 50                                  20
                          0                                                  0                                  0
                             1988  1990  1992  1994  1996  1998  2000  2002  2004  2006  2008  2010  2012  2014  2016  1993  1996  1999  2002  2005  2008  2011  2014  2017

                                   Banking system   Corporate bonds                 Total GFCF 5Y   Total funds raised
                                                                                   moving average   5Y moving average
                                                                                      (LHS)            (RHS)
                        1   The 5-year moving average illustrates the direction of the trend for each category.
                        2   Total GFCF refers to private and public investment in fixed assets in the services, manufacturing, mining & quarrying, agriculture, and construction sectors. It
                         includes land improvements; plant, machinery and equipment purchases; and the construction of roads, railways and buildings.

                        Source: SC, BNM, Department of Statistics Malaysia (DOSM)

                   84  |  PART 4 »» CAPITAL MARKET REVIEW AND OUTLOOK

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