Page 96 - SC Annual Report 2018 (ENG)
P. 96


                                                                          OUTLOOK FOR 2019
                        GrOWtH  OF  tHE  MaLaYSIaN  CaPItaL  MarKEt
                        IN  tHE  LaSt  25  YEarS:                       Global economic expansion is expected to continue
                        MOBILISING  FINaNCIaL  rESOUrCES  FOr           in 2019, although at a more moderate pace.
                                                                        Major economies are on track for a synchronised
                        ECONOMIC  DEVELOPMENt  (Continued)
                                                                        deceleration in growth. Although the US economy
                                                                        is anticipated to grow further on the back of robust
                        Over the past 25 years, the SC has invested     consumer spending, the momentum is expected to
                        and put in place efforts to create a facilitative
                        ecosystem for the capital market to develop and   gradually moderate amid diminishing impact from
                        provide productive and efficient financing of the   the fiscal stimulus. In Europe, economic growth
                        economy. Among others, a holistic Digital Markets   is projected to moderate as economic activities
                        Strategy was rolled out in 2016 to facilitate   will continue to be weighed down by political
                        innovative market-based solutions and develop a   uncertainties. Growth in China is poised to slow
                        conducive digital finance ecosystem. In particular,
                        to ensure that the capital market continues to   further as policymakers continue to aim for a more
                        provide financing for the needs of not only larger   balanced and sustainable growth path for the
                        businesses but also smaller firms, alternative   economy. Against the backdrop of moderating
                        market-based financing avenues such as equity   global demand, major commodity prices are
                        crowdfunding and peer-to-peer financing were
                        introduced. This is an area in which the benefits   expected to remain subdued and continue to be
                        of utilising newer technology can clearly be seen   volatile, driven by supply-related developments
                        by lowering the costs of obtaining capital and   alongside policy and geopolitical-related risks.
                        enhancing transparency for smaller firms, making
                        them more accessible and attractive to potential   Given its significant interconnectedness to the
                                                                        global economy, the ASEAN region is not immune
                        Going forward, as Malaysia continues to undergo   to a weaker global environment and greater
                        structural reforms in its transition to a high-income   downside risks to global growth. Nevertheless,
                        economy, it will continue to challenge the SC in   the region is anticipated to remain a global
                        driving new initiatives that will help to facilitate   growth centre, anchored by firm macroeconomic
                        the evolution of the capital market and enhance
                        access to financing of new growth areas necessary   fundamentals as well as favourable demographic
                        for a more modern economy while ensuring that it   profile and large infrastructure needs which will
                        remains sustainable and inclusive.              continue to support domestic demand. Deeper
                                                                        economic integration within the region will also
                                                                        allow the ASEAN economies to secure the benefits
                                                                        of higher productivity and efficiency to sustain
                                                                        growth over the longer term.

                                                                        Meanwhile, the prospect of rising trade
                                                                        protectionism will remain a key downside risk
                                                                        to not only the global economy, but also global
                                                                        capital markets in 2019 and beyond, especially
                                                                        in EMEs. Although the impact thus far remained
                                                                        largely contained, a protracted period of US-China
                                                                        trade dispute can significantly derail the growth
                                                                        of the global economy. Over the short to medium
                                                                        term, continued negative trade developments

                   86  |  PART 4 »» CAPITAL MARKET REVIEW AND OUTLOOK

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