Page 98 - SC Annual Report 2018 (ENG)
P. 98


                        Domestically, against the backdrop of a more    Meanwhile, trading activities in the secondary
                        challenging and uncertain global environment,   market will continue to be driven by external
                        the Malaysian economy is anticipated to remain   developments, mainly movements in portfolio flows
                        on a steady growth path, backed by firm domestic   arising from the shift in global liquidity and the
                        private sector activities (Chart 14). Growth will be   general increase in global financial market volatility.
                        underpinned by sustained manufacturing activities
                        and further supported by resilient services sector   Notably, the developments observed in the
                        expansion, especially in wholesale and retail trade   aftermath of the GFC indicate that the underlying
                        sub-sectors. On the demand side, steady wage and   trend movement in non-resident portfolio flows
                        employment growth will continue to drive private   was, to a large extent, determined by major central
                        consumption expansion while new and ongoing     banks’ monetary policy directions, especially the Fed
                        projects in the services and manufacturing sectors   (Chart 15). Beyond the trend movement, episodes
                        will remain supportive of private investment growth.   of financial market volatility post-GFC could be
                        The government’s effort to promote the adoption   attributed to specific negative events ranging from
                        of digital technology and automation will also be an   the European debt crisis, taper tantrum, China’s
                        important catalyst for future investment activities.   surprise yuan devaluation, the collapse in oil prices,
                                                                        US presidential election and more recently, the
                        The domestic capital market will continue to play   trade tension. The outlook for the domestic capital
                        an important role in supporting economic growth   market in 2019 will continue to be influenced by
                        through financing of business expansion and     key global developments, mainly the direction and
                        infrastructure. Total capital raising through primary   pace of global monetary policy with volatility driven
                        and secondary issuances is expected to remain   by continued uncertainty surrounding major risks,
                        robust especially in the bond market.

                        Chart 15
                        The US monetary policy is a key factor in the underlying trend of non-resident portfolio flows in
                        Malaysia’s capital markets

                             250                                                                              145
                                   Unprecedented monetary                               US Fed’s stimulus exit
                                   policies by US Fed
                             200                                                                              140

                          RM billion  100                                                                     130    % GDP

                                                Europe sovereign  debt crisis                US Presidential election  125

                              50                                 Taper tantrum  Oil price decline           Trade tensions  120

                              0                                                                               115
                                  Jan-10  May-10  Sep-10  Jan-11  May-11  Sep-11  Jan-12  May-12  Sep-12  Jan-13  May-13  Sep-13  Jan-14  May-14  Sep-14  Jan-15  May-15  Sep-15  Jan-16  May-16  Sep-16  Jan-17  May-17  Sep-17  Jan-18  May-18  Sep-18

                                            Non-resident portfolio flows in bonds and   Domestic liquidity – M3 (% of GDP) (RHS)
                                            equities since 2010 (LHS)
                        Source: Bursa Malaysia, BNM, SC’s calculations

                   88  |  PART 4 »» CAPITAL MARKET REVIEW AND OUTLOOK

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