Page 95 - SC Annual Report 2018 (ENG)
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                           The growth of the Malaysian capital market has not been just in terms of size, as witnessed by the robust and
                           comprehensive development in terms of infrastructure, institutions, regulations and products over the years. This progress
                           is clearly reflected in IMF’s index of financial development for Malaysia, which allows for consistent comparisons across
                           time and between countries. Based on IMF’s index, the development of the capital market can be assessed through three
                           key dimensions – depth, access and efficiency .
                           The IMF’s measurement shows that Malaysia’s overall financial sector development has improved significantly between
                           1993 and 2016 on the back of advancement in all three dimensions (Chart 13). Notably, in terms of international
                           comparison, Malaysia has achieved commendable performance overall and is ahead of emerging market peers and in
                           some aspects, advanced markets (Chart 13).

                            Chart 13
                            The development of the Malaysian capital market  had contributed to improvement in the
                            country’s overall financial development (FD) index
                                  Malaysia improved from 1993 to 2016,            Generally, Malaysia performed better when
                              particularly in terms of the capital market access  benchmarked against selected groups (2016)
                             0.9                                              0.9                     Malaysia’s CM index
                                                                                                         level, 2016
                             0.8                                              0.8
                             0.7                                              0.7
                             0.6                                              0.6

                             0.5                                              0.5
                             0.4                                              0.4
                             0.3                                              0.3
                             0.2                                              0.2
                             0.1                                              0.1
                             0.0                                              0.0
                                   FD     CM      CM:     CM:    CM:               Malaysia  Advanced   Asia and   Emerging
                                                 Depth   Access Efficiency                   markets  Pacific  markets

                                             1993    2016                         FD  CM    CM: Depth  CM: Access  CM: Efficiency
                           1   IMF uses ‘Financial Market’, which comprises bond and equity markets, to designate the capital market (CM). For consistency purposes, Financial Market is
                            referred to as CM in this article.
                           2   The indices summarise how developed a CM is in terms of (a) depth (size and liquidity of markets), (b) access (ability of individuals to access financial services),
                            and (c) efficiency (provision of financial services at low cost and with sustainable revenues, and the level of activity of capital markets), all of which contribute
                            towards the overall level of a country’s FD.

                           Source: IMF Financial Development Index database, 2017

                           2    Rethinking Financial Deepening: Stability and Growth in Emerging Markets, IMF Discussion Note, May 2015.

                                                                                       PART 4 »» CAPITAL MARKET REVIEW AND OUTLOOK  |  85

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