Page 168 - SC Annual Report 2018 (ENG)
P. 168


                                                                        Chart 4
                        Chart 3                                         Assets allocation inside and outside of Malaysia
                        Assets Allocation                               as at 31 december 2018
                           60                                              70                            Inside Malaysia
                                                      31 Dec 2018
                              47.24  51.03            31 Dec 2017                58.78                   Outside Malaysia
                           50                                              60
                                                                           50  44.24
                          Percentage (%) 40  22.67                        Percentage (%)  40  28.46

                           20      21.37 19.89  21.15                               22.66
                                                                           20           16.41
                           10                                                                        8.90         9.98
                                                 3.67 3.55 1.58  3.47      10                               5.51
                                                           1.54   2.84                         0.42  2.30  0.56  1.78
                           0                                                0
                               Equity  Fixed   Money   Unit   Private  Others  Equity  Fixed   Money   Unit    Private  Others
                                     income  market  trust  equity                    income  market  trust  equity
                                           placement                                       placement

                          coLLecTIve INvesTMeNT scHeMes                 The unit trust funds industry recorded a total
                         ANd PRIvATe ReTIReMeNT scHeMes                 gross sales value of RM204.97 billion with unit
                                                                        trust management companies being the major
                        In 2018, unit trust funds continued to be the largest   distributors with sales amounting to RM87.57 billion
                        component of the Malaysian collective investment   (Table 3).
                        schemes (CIS) industry with a total net asset value
                        (NAV) of RM426.18 billion recorded as at 31     In the wholesale funds segment, 43 new funds were
                        December 2018 (2017: RM426.98 billion). Total   launched under the LOLA Framework (Table 4) to
                        NAV of unit trust funds as a percentage of Bursa   sophisticated investors while 25 funds were
                        Malaysia’s market capitalisation is 25.06% as at 31   terminated and 6 funds matured in 2018, which
                        December 2018 (2017: 22.39%) (Table 2). As at 31   brought the total number of wholesale funds in
                        December 2018, there are 37 locally-incorporated   operation to 307 as at 31 December 2018. Of these,
                        management companies approved to offer unit trust   231 funds were conventional wholesale funds while
                        funds.                                          76 were Shariah-compliant wholesale funds. The
                                                                        total NAV of wholesale funds as at 31 December
                        In the year under review, 37 new unit trust funds   2018 was RM64.95 billion (2017: RM84.68 billion).
                        were launched while 22 funds were terminated
                        and 9 funds matured, bringing the total number   A total of 4 funds were qualified as SRI fund in
                        of unit trust funds available to investors to 650 as   2018 pursuant to the introduction of the Guidelines
                        at 31 December 2018. Of these, 426 funds were   on Sustainable and Responsible Investment Funds in
                        conventional unit trust funds while the remaining   December 2017. Of these, 2 were unit trust funds
                        224 were Shariah-compliant unit trust funds.    and 2 were wholesale funds.

                   158  |  PART 5 »» STATEMENTS, STATiSTiCS ANd ACTiviTiES

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