Page 171 - SC Annual Report 2018 (ENG)
P. 171


                            INvesTMeNT PRoducTs                            A total of 1,037 term sheets for the offering of
                                                                           structured warrants were registered in 2018,
                           structured warrants                             representing an increase of 12.11% compared to
                                                                           the 925 term sheets registered in 2017. The increase
                           There were 6 eligible issuers of structured warrants   was attributable to the active issuance by issuers in
                           in 2018. The SC received and registered 6 base   meeting investor interest during the year.
                           prospectuses and 9 supplementary prospectuses
                           from these issuers in 2018 (Table 5).           In 2018, there was an increase in issuances of
                                                                           structured warrants based on shares from 788 in
                                                                           2017 to 879. In addition, issuances of structured
                          Table 5                                          warrants based on indices increased to 140 in 2018
                          structured warrants considered                   compared to 120 in the previous year.

                                                    2018        2017       The term sheets registered in 2018 enabled the
                                                                           structured warrants issuers to offer up to a total of
                           No. of eligible issuers   6           7
                                                                           53.19 billion structured warrants.
                           Base prospectuses         6           5*
                           Supplementary             9           12        structured products
                           prospectuses registered
                           Term sheets registered   1,037       925
                                                                           In 2018, 16 issuers lodged 21 new structured
                           Issue size (billion      53.19      48.25       product programmes with the SC under the LOLA
                                                                           Framework for unlisted capital market products.
                           Note:                                           These programmes comprised a variety of underlying
                           *   2 issuers did not renew their base prospectuses which had   references and had an aggregate size of RM100.05
                             expired in 2017.
                                                                           billion with each programme having a size limit of
                                                                           up to RM5.0 billion (Table 6).

                           Table 6
                           structured product programmes considered
                                                                        2018                           2017
                           No. of issuers lodged new programmes          16                             9

                                                                No. of          Size           No. of          Size
                           New programmes lodged
                                                             programmes      (RM billion)   programmes      (RM billion)
                           –   Conventional                       17           85.00            20            100.00
                           –  Islamic                             4            15.05             -              -

                           ToTAL                                  21           100.05           20            100.00

                                                                                       PART 5 »» STATEMENTS, STATiSTiCS ANd ACTiviTiES  |  161

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