Page 170 - SC Annual Report 2018 (ENG)
P. 170


                        As at 31 December 2018, there continued to be only   NAV of RM2.68 billion as at 31 December 2018
                        1 closed-end fund (CEF) listed on the Main Market   represented an increase of 20.18% compared to a
                        of Bursa Malaysia with a market capitalisation of   total NAV of RM2.23 billion as at 31 December 2017.
                        RM345.80 million (2017: RM397.60 million).
                                                                        For the year under review, the SC has considered
                        The number of PRS funds remained unchanged with   350 applications relating to CIS and PRS, comprising
                        12 schemes comprising 56 funds as at 31 December   applications to establish new funds, register
                        2018. Of these, 31 were conventional funds while   prospectuses, register deeds and other ancillary
                        25 were shariah-compliant funds. The total industry   matters (Table 4).

                        Table 4
                        Number of applications and lodgements relating to collective investment schemes and private
                        retirement schemes
                                                                  Lodged                         Launched
                         (i)   Lodgement
                                                            2018           2017            2018            2017
                         Wholesale funds                     45             48              43              49
                                                         Considered      Approved          Pending consideration
                         (ii)   Application                                               As at            As at
                                                         2018   2017    2018   2017
                                                                                     31 December 2018  31 December 2017
                         establishment of collective      43     51     43     51           5                5
                         investment schemes
                         –  Unit trust funds              42     47      42    47           5                5
                         –  Real estate investment trusts  -      2       -     2            -               -
                          –  Exchange-traded funds         1      2      1      2            -               -
                         Increase in fund size limit       2      6      2      6            -               -
                         –  Unit trust funds               1      4      1      4            -               -
                         –  Real estate investment trusts  1      2      1      2            -               -
                         Exemption / Variation from guidelines  9  14*   8      13*         3                1

                         Registration of prospectuses /   124   207    124    207           8                9
                         disclosure documents
                         Registration of deeds           120    110    120    110           7                9

                         Other applications               52     57     51     57           3                3
                         ToTAL                          350     445    348    444          26               27

                        1  Includes 2 funds which were qualified as SRI fund.
                        2  Includes 2 funds which were qualified as SRI fund.
                        *   Tax certification applications are now reclassified as ‘other applications’.

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