Page 169 - SC Annual Report 2018 (ENG)
P. 169


                           As at 31 December 2018, 18 real estate investment   With the listing of MyETF Dow Jones U.S. Titans 50
                           trusts (REITs) were listed on the Main Market of   on 28 February 2018, the total exchange-traded
                           Bursa Malaysia with a total market capitalisation   fund (ETFs) listed on the Main Market of Bursa
                           (including a stapled group) of RM41.43 billion   Malaysia as at 31 December 2018 was 10 with
                           (2017: RM46.48 billion). The total asset size grew   a total market capitalisation of RM1.98 billion,
                           marginally from RM51.21 billion to RM52.77 billion   an increase of 2.06% from a total market
                           for the same period. As at 31 December 2018,    capitalisation of RM1.94 billion as at 31 December
                           there continues to be only 1 unlisted REIT offered to   2017.
                           sophisticated investors.

                           Table 2
                           overall status of unit trust fund industry
                                                                               31 December 2018      31 December 2017
                            No. of funds launched                                     650                   644
                            –  Conventional                                           426                   431
                            –  Shariah-compliant                                      224                   213
                            Units in circulation (billion units)                    629.24                562.39
                            No. of accounts (million)*                               21.06                 20.08
                            Total NAV (RM billion)                                  426.18                426.98
                            –  Conventional (RM billion)                            342.72                349.20
                            –  Shariah-compliant (RM billion)                        83.46                 77.78
                            % of NAV to Bursa Malaysia market capitalisation^        25.06                 22.39
                           *  Including unitholders accounts with institutional unit trust advisers (IUTA) that operate nominee account system.
                           ^   The comparison made between the total NAV of the unit trust funds industry and Bursa Malaysia’s market capitalisation is not an
                             indication of the actual amount invested in Bursa Malaysia by the unit trust funds.

                          Table 3
                          distribution channels
                                                                               31 December 2018      31 December 2017

                                                                                  RM billion             RM billion
                           Unit trust management company                            87.57                  81.95
                           Institutional unit trust adviser                         66.53                  64.96

                           Unit trust consultant                                    47.75                  50.45
                           Corporate unit trust adviser                              0.83                   0.36

                           Others                                                    2.29                   2.51
                           ToTAL                                                   204.97                 200.23

                                                                                       PART 5 »» STATEMENTS, STATiSTiCS ANd ACTiviTiES  |  159

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