Page 41 - SC Annual Report 2018 (ENG)
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                           connectivity, capacity building and purpose-driven   the cross-border and global nature of sustainable
                           engagements.                                    finance instruments.

                                                                           In the area of ICM, the SC continues to play its role
                           Contributing to global and regional             as a global thought leader by:
                           thought leadership
                                                                           •     Contributing to development of standards
                           In 2018, the SC led international policy work in      and research through IFSB and COMCEC
                           several areas that support and complement domestic    respectively to guide policies and
                           priorities. Through the SC’s leadership role within   developmental work. In 2018, two reports
                           IOSCO, Islamic Financial Services Board (IFSB) and    titled Islamic Fund Management and The
                           Standing Committee for Economic and Commercial        Role of Sukuk in Islamic Capital Markets
                           Cooperation of the Organization of the Islamic        were published by COMCEC. Malaysia was
                           Cooperation (COMCEC), the SC remained at the          used as a reference case as a mature ICM in
                           forefront of global discussions and played a pivotal   both reports; and
                           role in several areas of thought leadership.
                                                                           •     Championing research on topics of
                           As part of IOSCO, the SC’s participation covered      contemporary relevance to Islamic finance
                           areas such as:                                        through the annual Scholar in Residence
                                                                                 Programme, a key initiative under the
                           •    Cybersecurity, where a Guidance Note on          SC-OCIS collaboration.
                                Cybersecurity for Regulators in Emerging
                                Markets (Guidance Note) was developed in   Biennially, the SC and BNM recognise and honour
                                April 2018. This is the first time that guidance   Islamic finance global thought leaders through the
                                has been developed for securities regulators   Royal Award for Islamic Finance. In 2018, the Award
                                globally with measures relating to governance   was bestowed upon Tan Sri Dr Zeti Akhtar Aziz.
                                frameworks, mechanisms and controls on the
                                identification, protection, detection, response   A key milestone of the SC’s role in global thought
                                and recovery. The Guidance Note also       leadership, the WCMS was held in February 2018.
                                discusses approaches to enhance international   With the theme ‘Renaissance of Capitalism:
                                collaboration and information sharing as well   Markets for Growth’, WCMS brought together
                                as strengthening of regulatory capabilities in   global thought leaders, policymakers and industry
                                this area. Furthermore, it helps provide a basis   experts on the future of finance and its
                                for emerging market regulators to develop   sustainability for future generations.
                                their own domestic cybersecurity policies; and

                           •    Regulation of secondary markets, where     Furthering regulatory co-operation
                                issues relating to liquidity in bond markets,   and linkages
                                mechanisms used by exchanges to manage
                                volatility and the regulation of crypto asset   The SC continues to strengthen regulatory
                                trading platforms were reviewed.           co-operation and linkages with international
                                                                           counterparts to help shape domestic policies as well
                           The SC’s commitment to sustainable finance at the   as ensure that the approach is in line with global best
                           global level is also reflected through its leadership in   practices. The relationships that the SC has cultivated
                           the IOSCO GEM Committee Working Group on        over the years have enabled it to tap relevant
                           Sustainable Financing. The output is expected to   expertise, insight and requests for necessary
                           facilitate a degree of international consistency given   assistance to support the SC’s role and functions.

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