Page 38 - SC Annual Report 2018 (ENG)
P. 38


                        compliance  requirements  for  IDSS

                        To ensure that IDSS activities are subject to adequate controls, Rules of Bursa Malaysia Securities Bhd have been amended
                        to incorporate the necessary safeguards. These include the following compliance requirements:

                                Maintain market                 Safeguard investors’             Ensure adequate
                                stability                       interests                        broker control

                         •  IDSS suspension if a stock price   •   Enter into an agreement to borrow   •   Robust Know Your Client and
                           falls by more than 15% from the   or purchase securities to settle any   suitability assessment.
                           previous day’s closing price or if   potential failed trades in the event
                           the gross short-selling volume   the sell position is not closed out by   •   Tagging of all proposed IDSS
                           exceeds the limit of 3% of      end of day.                      orders.
                           outstanding shares per security.
                                                        •   Execute IDSS risk disclosure
                        •   All sell positions must be closed   statement.
                           off on the same day with buy
                           positions to minimise potential   •   Provide written declaration
                           system disruption.              that they fully understand IDSS

                         •       BRIDGe-ing the gap                           brokers as well as share registrars was
                                                                              established in August 2018. Together, BRIDGe
                             Digitising the brokerage industry is key         serves to accelerate the digitisation of the
                             towards enhancing broker’s growth,               country’s stockbroking business.
                             expanding reach to new and younger
                             investors as well as improving customer    •     Brokerage Industry Consultative
                             experience. Engagements with industry            Committee as an open channel of
                             players reveal that digitisation opportunities   communication
                             exist across the value chain, starting with
                             customer onboarding to settlement of trades      Brokerage Industry Consultative Committee
                             and execution of corporate actions. These        (BrICC) was established to ensure that issues
                             opportunities will however need the support      specific to the capital market sub-sector are
                             of a wider financial services ecosystem.         addressed. It convened its first meeting in
                                                                              October 2018, engaging the stockbroking
                             The Brokerage Industry Digitisation Group        industry on issues relating to market
                             (BRIDGe), comprising representatives from the    development, operational efficiency and
                             SC, BNM, Bursa Malaysia and industry panels      regulation.
                             including banks, payment service providers,

                   28  |  PART 1 »» ENABLING SHARED VALUE GROWTH

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