Page 40 - SC Annual Report 2018 (ENG)
P. 40


                              trading in both the FM70 and FTSE Bursa   In 2018, 11 proprietary traders and 12 trading
                              Malaysia Kuala Lumpur Composite Index     specialists registered as part of this programme. In
                              Futures (FKLI) contracts. This saw 173,132   the most part of 2018, registered participants were
                              contracts traded and 327 open interest as at   on the whole, trading above their 2017 average and
                              end 2018.                                 as a result provided a buffer in times of low Average
                                                                        Daily Value (ADV).

                        Greater diversity in investors
                                                                          COLLABORATING FOR GROWTH AND
                        The Malaysian securities market has traditionally   INNOVATION
                        seen a high concentration of long-only investors
                        i.e. investors that take a buy position in the market.    To accelerate growth and innovation within the
                        In addition, Malaysia suffers from an ageing retail   capital market, the SC has put in place several
                        trading population, with many above 40 years old.   enablers to support the capital market community.
                                                                        These efforts are centred around five key pillars:
                        To improve market liquidity, an infusion of other   thought leadership, co-operation with global
                        investor groups is needed. In line with this, the SC   regulators, international integration and ASEAN
                        has focused its efforts in 2018 on bringing new
                        investors and liquidity providers to the market.

                                                                        Diagram 14
                        •    Incentivising new investors to join
                             the market                                 Five key pillars for growth and innovation
                                                                                     Thought Leadership
                              From March to August 2018, exchange        Thought leadership events held in collaboration
                              trading and clearing fees were waived for   with global and regional committees enable industry
                              first-time individual investors with new   stakeholders and regulators to identify global trends,
                              Central Depository System (CDS) accounts.   growth opportunities and/or risks.
                              This is to rejuvenate the pool of investors,         Regulatory Co-operation
                              especially those from the younger
                              demography. It resulted in bringing 11,083   Facilitates sharing of relevant expertise, insights
                              new investors into the market, with over   and support to develop the Malaysian market, and
                                                                         contribute to overall regional or global development.
                              RM1.2 billion value traded over the six months.
                                                                              International Integration and ASEAN
                        •    Incentivising liquidity providers
                                                                         Greater regional connectivity through improved market
                             Incentive programmes were implemented by    access, cross-border product offering and increased
                             Bursa Malaysia targeting two categories of   mobility of licensed persons.
                             investors:                                                Capacity Building

                              –    Trading specialists who are eligible high   Capacity building hubs and programmes serve to
                                   volume individual traders sponsored by   develop skills and knowledge of both regulators and
                                                                         industry players.
                                   brokers; and
                              –    Proprietary traders (both non-PO and PO)              Engagement
                                                                         Opportunities for regulators and industry stakeholders to
                             To enjoy a reduction in clearing fees, these   engage, dialogue and work towards greater alignment
                             investor groups are required to trade volumes   of policies and industry initiatives on development and
                             exceeding a defined target.                 innovation.

                   30  |  PART 1 »» ENABLING SHARED VALUE GROWTH

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