Page 36 - SC Annual Report 2018 (ENG)
P. 36


                        Towards a more vibrant and efficient            investors through a greater variety of trading
                        secondary market                                instruments and strategies to encourage trading
                        The SC focuses on identified levers across three key
                        areas:                                          •     Intraday Short Selling for all investors

                        1.   Promoting efficiency of market structure:        Previously applicable only to Proprietary Day
                             In order to meet the diverse needs of a wider    Traders, Intraday Short Selling (IDSS) allows
                             range of investors, efficient market structure   investors to perform day trading i.e. selling
                             with diverse intermediaries and instruments      the securities first and then buying back later
                             are needed. Investors and issuers should be      to close off the position within the same
                             able to participate in the market seamlessly.    trading day. In April 2018, IDSS was extended
                                                                              to all investors to provide greater flexibility for
                        2.   Enhancing value recognition of issuers:          position taking and risk management, while
                             Malaysia is home to a multitude of models        improving liquidity of the Malaysian equity
                             and sizes of businesses, presenting diverse      market.
                             value propositions to investors. Better value
                             recognition of listed issuers promote greater   •   Spurring further growth of Listed
                             investor interest and more trading activities.   Real Estate Investment Trusts

                        3.   Encouraging greater diversity in investor        The revised guidelines released by SC in March
                             participation: A larger pool of diverse          2018 on listed Real Estate Investment Trusts
                             investors, complemented by application of a      (Guidelines on Listed REITs) include measures
                             wide range of trading strategies can lead to     that accord greater opportunities for REITs ,
                             better liquidity and vibrancy in the market.     permitting among others:

                        While efforts are in place to address the market and   –    redevelopment of existing properties
                        its ecosystem, the macroeconomic landscape plays a          and acquiring land for purposes of
                        key role in the vibrancy of the equity market.              developing new properties to increase
                                                                                    their portfolio of income-generating
                                                                                    real estate; and
                        Greater diversity in trading instruments
                        and strategies                                        –     entering into long-term leases of real
                        Following the introduction of Malaysia’s first digital-
                        only equity broker in 2017, the industry experienced      An expansion of the REIT’s permitted activities
                        a paradigm shift in its approach in calibrating       allow for potential improvements in REIT
                        customer acquisition, fee structure and business      performance, which will increase its
                        model. The focus in 2018 has been on empowering       attractiveness as an investment option.

                        11   REITs embarking on any of these activities would be subject to investment limits, additional disclosure requirements, and in some
                          cases, unit holder approval.

                   26  |  PART 1 »» ENABLING SHARED VALUE GROWTH

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