Page 37 - SC Annual Report 2018 (ENG)
P. 37


                           Diagram 12
                           Levers towards a vibrant and effective secondary securities market

                                      Market structure                Issuers                  Investors

                                                 Diversity in             Sustainable             Digital channels
                                            intermediaries to           value creation               to broaden
                                            cater to different              by listed             access to more
                                           investor segments              companies                    investors

                                   Diversity in trading          Value recognition
                                   instruments and               of mid and small
                                   strategies to                 cap segment to
                                   improve market                surface “hidden
                                   liquidity                     gems”                             Incentives to
                                                                                            encourage diversity in
                                             Digitising the                                  investor participation
                                        broking value chain                  Vibrant
                                               to improve              primary market,
                                             intermediary           greater participation
                                           productivity and                from SMEs
                                         investor experience

                                                           Macroeconomic climate

                                                          The Malaysian                   External
                                                         economy – growth                  macro
                                                           and diversity                   climate

                           Greater growth across the industry                    limit of ≤200% of their effective
                           value chain                                           shareholders’ funds. Non-bank-backed
                                                                                 brokers often reach the limit on margin
                           To remain competitive and relevant, it is imperative   financing, and find it hard to compete with
                           for intermediaries to optimise existing resources,    bank-backed brokers that leverage the bank’s
                           enhance productivity and improve investor             capital to offer margin financing.
                           experience. Recognising this, the SC intensified its
                           focus in 2018 to work with industry players to        Effective March 2018, the existing 200% limit
                           identify and reduce barriers to growth.               for margin financing was removed but the
                                                                                 overall prudential safeguards under the
                           •    Liberalising margin financing rules              risk-based regime remained. This provided
                                                                                 brokers with greater flexibility in providing
                                Prior to the liberalisation, the exchange rules   margin financing facilities to their clients,
                                limited the aggregate margin financing of a      allowing them to be more competitive
                                Participating Organisation (PO) under a          through better utilisation of their capital base.
                                risk-based regime as well as imposed a hard

                                                                                          PART 1 »» ENABLING SHARED VALUE GROWTH  |  27

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