Page 53 - SC Annual Report 2018 (ENG)
P. 53


                           Diagram 6
                           Supervisory assessments in 2018

                                                                       63   Structured
                                                  66                        assessments
                                            review on 66

                           Source: SC

                          In addition, the SC continuously conducts analysis   Supervisory thematic reviews
                          on market data, trade and performance data as
                          well as media screening to monitor and detect    The SC continues to emphasise the use of thematic
                          emerging trends and irregularities in a timely   reviews as an effective means to assess identified
                          manner. Any regulatory concerns arising from these   trends, emerging risks and compliance lapses. These
                          ongoing supervisory activities are communicated to   reviews have enabled the SC to prioritise resources
                          intermediaries through various channels to ensure   to achieve sector-wide outcomes, progressing from
                          alignment of intermediaries’ conduct with the SC’s   the previous traditional firm-centric approach.
                          regulatory expectations.

                           Diagram 7
                           Supervisory outcomes

                                        communication                                     Enhancement
                             Continuous engagement at various                             Incorporate lessons learnt from
                                  levels within the intermediary                          supervisory activities into rules,
                            (board, senior management, control                            guidelines and supervisory
                                functions) to proactively remedy                          approach
                                             identified risks

                                              Guidance                                    Enforcement

                                 Disseminate supervisory views                            Enforcement action will be
                                   including concerns and best                            taken where breach has been
                             practices through industry circulars,                        ascertained, in particular where
                                   dialogues and workshops to                             such sanction could serve as an
                                align intermediary conduct with                           effective deterrent
                                      regulatory expectations

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