Page 28 - SC Annual Report 2018 (ENG)
P. 28


                        as well as key stakeholders to bring about greater   FACILITATING GREATER INVESTOR
                        understanding of digital assets and initial coin offerings   INCLUSIVENESS
                        (ICOs). This includes amplifying educational efforts on
                        scams, particularly through InvestSmart  programmes.   There is increasing awareness among Malaysians on
                        Where necessary, the SC undertook regulatory    the need for greater emphasis in managing and
                        actions, and will continue to do so, to deter and halt   growing their wealth. Malaysia’s population of about
                        schemes that contravene securities laws.        32 million features a diverse workforce, sizeable
                                                                        youth population and growing segment of affluent
                        Digital assets and ICOs can become an alternative   and sophisticated investors. Given the range of
                        avenue for early-stage financing as well as a new   investors with differing investing goals and risk
                        investment class for investors, provided they are   appetites, a comprehensive set of capital market
                        harnessed in the right way with the appropriate   products as well as access to investment advice and
                        safeguards in place. Regulations are being put in place   services are essential. It presents investors with a
                        to bring digital assets within the remit of securities   myriad of choices and enables them to make
                        laws to promote fair and orderly trading and ensure   informed investment decisions.
                        investor protection. The SC will regulate issuances of
                        digital assets via ICOs and the trading of digital   For these reasons, the SC has focused not just on
                        assets on digital asset exchanges in Malaysia. In   product innovation but also on bolstering the
                        order to implement the regulatory framework on   availability of investment advice, financial planning
                        digital assets, the SC and Bank Negara Malaysia   and portfolio management services in the market.
                        (BNM) will enter into co-ordination arrangements to   Having a wider selection of investment choices
                        ensure compliance with laws and regulations under   would serve to diversify investors’ risks, helping
                        the purview of both regulators. The regulatory   them balance risk and return. From a broader
                        frameworks are targeted to be launched early 2019.  perspective, it would also encourage mobilisation of

                        Diversity in the Malaysian population leads to different

                        investing needs

                                                                                                3% addition to

                                     52%                      3% established                    the workforce in
                                     youth  *                 business owners      **           the past year    *

                                    working                   8% to retire in               $   84% subscribe to
                                    women     *               the next 5 years     *            internet banking      ***

                                    6% skilled                32% housewives                    15% early stage
                                    workers    *              and retirees    *                 entrepreneurs      **

                        *    Department of Statistics Malaysia, 3Q 2018
                        **   Global Entrepreneurship Monitor 2017/18
                        ***   BNM Payment Statistics 3Q 2018

                   18  |  PART 1 »» ENABLING SHARED VALUE GROWTH

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