Page 30 - SC Annual Report 2018 (ENG)
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                        Guidelines were also enhanced to allow issuers who   Apart from the potential growth in market
                        meet specific criteria to issue a product highlight   capitalisation due to the expansion on the types of
                        sheet instead of a full prospectus. The range of   permissible ETFs, the introduction of L&I ETFs can
                        corporate bonds and sukuk that may be offered to   stimulate an increase in ETF turnover due to their
                        retail investors has also been expanded beyond plain   short investment holding period by active-trading
                        vanilla bonds to include subordinated debt as well as   oriented investors.
                        perpetual bonds and sukuk issued by licensed banks.
                                                                        Due to the complexity of the L&I ETFs, prospective
                                                                        retail investors must meet certain pre-qualification
                        Enhancing disclosure requirements on            criteria before they can invest in these products.
                        listed corporations                             Retail investors who do not meet the pre-qualification
                                                                        criteria must undergo an e-learning module developed
                        Disclosure requirements were also revised for   by Bursa Malaysia as well as a performance simulator
                        abridged prospectuses and the relevant circulars.   provided by management companies of L&I ETFs
                        The Prospectus Guidelines and Equity Guidelines    before they can invest in L&I ETFs.
                        amended in December 2018 serve to guide listed
                        corporations in making such documents more
                        reader-friendly. It also requires disclosures to focus   Launch of new ETF
                        on meaningful information to help shareholders
                        make informed investment decisions.             2018 also saw the first foreign denominated ETF listed
                                                                        on Bursa Malaysia which tracks the Dow Jones
                                                                        Islamic Market US Titans 50 Index. This brings the
                        Allowing for specialised exchange               total number of ETFs listed to 10. The Malaysian ETF
                        traded funds                                    market continues to chart a positive trajectory with
                                                                        market capitalisation reaching RM1.98 billion as at
                        On 26 November 2018, the Guidelines on Exchange-  end 2018.
                        Traded Funds was enhanced to allow the issuance of
                        specialised Exchange Traded Funds (ETFs) such as
                        futures-based ETFs, leveraged and inverse (L&I) ETFs,   Private retirement scheme as an avenue
                        synthetic ETFs, conventional physically-backed   to meet retirement needs
                        commodity ETFs and smart beta ETFs.
                                                                        As a vehicle to strengthen the country’s retirement
                        Physically-backed commodity ETFs typically track the   pillars, the private retirement scheme (PRS) enables
                        price of a certain commodity such as gold and silver.   members to better plan their well-being after
                        Smart beta ETFs track the performance of alternative   retirement using PRS funds that best match their
                        rule-based indices – which are constructed differently   needs. While there has been continued growth in
                        from typical market cap-weighted indices – taking   the industry with total assets under management
                        into account various factors such as volatility and   (AUM) reaching RM2.7 billion and 416,000 members,
                        dividends, with the aim of enhancing returns.   there is still a need to raise the level of awareness
                                                                        among Malaysians on their retirement needs. This
                        Leveraged ETFs aim to provide a multiple of the   underscores the crucial role played by the Private
                        underlying index’s daily returns. Inverse ETFs, on the   Pension Administrator Malaysia (PPA) in driving
                        other hand, are constructed with the aim of     awareness and participation.
                        benefitting from a downward market. The revisions
                        allow up to a maximum factor of two times (2x) for   To increase the reach and provide better services for
                        Leveraged ETFs, while Inverse ETFs are restricted to a   investors, enhancements were made to the
                        maximum factor of one time (-1x).               ecosystem with the digitisation of PRS by PPA,

                   20  |  PART 1 »» ENABLING SHARED VALUE GROWTH

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