Page 29 - SC Annual Report 2018 (ENG)
P. 29


                           investors’ savings to match the funding needs of
                           issuers within the capital market.               Did  you

                           In 2018, the SC embarked on a series of initiatives
                           to improve and ensure a broad range of              •   Corporate bonds and sukuk
                           opportunities to cater to the diverse needs of all      previously only made accessible to
                           investors – from young retail to sophisticated seasoned   sophisticated investors can now be
                           investors – to help manage and grow their wealth.       offered to retail investors in Malaysia
                                                                                   without a prospectus if they meet
                                                                                   specific requirements. In addition,
                           Introducing a framework for the                         the range of corporate bonds and
                           offering of OTC Contracts for Difference                sukuk that can be offered to retail
                                                                                   investors have also been expanded
                                                                                   beyond plain vanilla bonds.
                           Recognising investors’ need for more sophisticated
                           trading instruments, the SC introduced its first
                           framework for an over-the-counter (OTC) derivatives
                           product – Contracts for Difference (CFD). Following
                           industry consultation, the Guidelines on Contracts
                           for Difference was issued on 1 April 2018 and came   Supporting the need for diversification
                           into effect on 1 July 2018.                     of portfolios through an enhanced
                                                                           retail bonds and sukuk framework
                           CFDs allow investors to participate in the price
                           movements of an underlying instrument on a      Access has long been an issue for individual
                           leveraged basis. Given the complexity of CFDs, the   investors interested in investing in Malaysian
                           framework is implemented on a phased approach,   corporate bonds and sukuk. Companies have
                           starting with sophisticated investors. In addition,   traditionally concentrated on issuing corporate
                           underlying instruments of CFD are limited to shares   bonds and sukuk to institutional investors. As such,
                           and equity indices.                             while Malaysia is the third largest bond market in
                                                                           Asia (relative to GDP)  and the world’s largest sukuk
                           To access this product, investors trade directly with   market,  participation by retail investors remains low.
 3% addition to            licensed CFD providers who will act as principal until   Significant efforts were made throughout 2018 to
 the workforce in          the position is closed. Given the bilateral nature of   increase retail investors’ access to this segment of
                                                                           the market.
                           the trade, the SC will closely monitor the internal
 the past year *           risk management and control systems of the CFD
                           providers to ensure that the credit risk exposure to   In September 2018, various measures to revise the
                           and from their clients are well-managed. In addition,   retail bond and sukuk framework were launched. A
 84% subscribe to          the SC allows clients of CFD providers access to the   new seasoning framework was introduced to
 internet banking ***      Capital Market Compensation Fund (CMCF) in the   enhance retail investors’ access to existing corporate
                           event of a default by any of the CFD providers .   bonds and sukuk currently traded by sophisticated
                                                                           investors in the OTC market. To be eligible for access
 15% early stage           This new framework is in line with the SC’s     by retail investors under this framework, corporate
 entrepreneurs **          continuous efforts to encourage growth through   bonds and sukuk are required to have been in the
                           widening intermediaries’ scope of business in the   market for at least 12 months and have a minimum
                           derivatives market.                             credit rating of A, among other requirements.

                           7    All CFD providers contribute to CMCF.
                           8    Asian Bonds Online –
                           9    Malaysian International Islamic Financial Centre (MIFC).

                                                                                          PART 1 »» ENABLING SHARED VALUE GROWTH  |  19

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