Page 35 - SC Annual Report 2018 (ENG)
P. 35


                           SmartFinance features fair and independent content   A capital market that is vibrant and efficient will see
                           complemented by financial toolkits. It adopts an   greater participation from investors and issuers. This
                           interactive approach in educating the public via   will lead to increased market liquidity, improvements
                           videos on investing, retirement planning and money   in price discovery, and reduction in cost of raising
                           management, among others. Uniquely, investors are   capital, thereby facilitating capital formation, wealth
                           able to connect directly with licensed financial   creation and resource allocation.
                           planners based on location, areas of specialisation
                           and range of planning fees.                     The equities market in particular has seen changing
                                                                           dynamics in recent years arising from shifting investor
                                                                           behaviour and needs, the evolution of technology as
                             SPURRING GREATER VIBRANCY AND                 well as greater regulatory demand for transparency
                             EFFICIENCY IN THE CAPITAL MARKET              and better risk management. In addition to this,
                                                                           Malaysia’s equity market has also seen greater
                           The capital market is a vital engine of growth for   competition from other emerging market economies.
                           the country’s economy – it facilitates the conversion
                           of investor savings into capital for businesses, which   These trends disrupt not only the way investors trade
                           allows the flow of funds to entrepreneurs, in turn   securities, but also impacts the value of intermediaries
                           generating returns for investors either in the form of   and types of services offered, revenue models and
                           capital gains or dividends, or both.            settlement efficiency. To remain competitive, the
                                                                           Malaysian equity market and its ecosystem will need
                                                                           to evolve to see greater vibrancy and efficiency.

                          Diagram 11
                          Changing market dynamics

                               Changing investor        Evolution of          Enhanced          Competition from
                                  behaviour             technology            regulatory          other emerging
                                  and needs                                  requirements            markets

                             •   Instant access to   •   Analytics for greater   •   Impact of MIFID II   •   Reduced MSCI EM
                                 information           trading insights      to intermediaries     index share with the
                             •   Seamless user     •   Use of mobile     •   Greater               inclusion of China,
                                                                                                   Argentina and Saudi
                                 experience            technology for        requirement           Arabia
                                                       trading               for efficient
                             •   Greater diversity in                        intermediary      •   Greater choice for
                                 investment options  •   Growth in algo      controls and          local and foreign
                                                       trading sees greater
                             •   Preference for        demand on trading     surveillance of       issuers
                                 technology-enabled    infrastructure        secondary market  •   Investors have more
                                 processes                                                         emerging market
                                                   •   Fintech disruption                          options to consider
                                                                                               •   Greater fund flows to
                                                                                                   more liquid markets

                                                                                          PART 1 »» ENABLING SHARED VALUE GROWTH  |  25

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