Page 47 - SC Annual Report 2018 (ENG)
P. 47



                           Maintaining public trust and investor confidence remains a priority of the SC, as
                           they are important to the functioning of the capital market and the pursuit of

                           sustainable and inclusive growth. Key components in maintaining trust and
                           confidence in the capital market are the preservation of market integrity and
                           continuous efforts to reinforce proper standards of market conduct. In this
                           regard, the SC continues to take measures to maintain market integrity and

                           shape market conduct by (1) advocating the internalisation of corporate
                           governance; (2) promoting a fair and orderly market through surveillance; (3)
                           reinforcing good conduct through supervision; and (4) achieving credible
                           deterrence through enforcement actions. These are complemented by efforts to

                           empower investors to make informed investment decisions.

                                                                           Diagram 1
                            IncuLcATInG Good GoVERnAncE                    Adoption of the MccG (as at 31 december 2018)

                           Promoting the internalisation of
                           corporate governance
                                                                                   153                     227

                           Over the years, the SC has implemented several   PLCs adopted the 2-tier voting   PLCs adopted tenure limit
                           measures to strengthen the corporate governance   approach to decide on the   of 9 years for independent
                                                                                                       directors with annual
                           framework and advocate the adoption of corporate   reappointment of independent   shareholders’ approval for
                                                                             directors who have served
                           governance best practices as an integral component      >12 years               extension
                           of maintaining trust and confidence in the capital
                           market. The SC’s Corporate Governance Strategic
                           Priorities (2017-2020) aims to raise the standards
                           of corporate governance in the capital market;
                           moving beyond mere compliance. One of the key            25                     24%
                           deliverables of the Corporate Governance Priorities   PLCs adopted tenure limit of 9   of board positions are held by
                           (CG Priorities) was the enhanced Malaysian Code   years for independent directors   women (Top 100 PLCs)
                                                                             without further extension
                           on Corporate Governance (MCCG) released in April

                           The SC has observed a deeper appreciation of
                           corporate governance among listed companies              131                     25
                           including small and mid-sized companies reflected in   PLCs disclosed senior   PLCs disclosed detailed
                           their adoption of best practices recommended in the   management remuneration in   remuneration of senior
                           MCCG.                                                bands of RM50,000  management on a named basis

                                                                                               PART 2 »» SHAPING MARKET CONDUCT  |  37

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