Page 51 - SC Annual Report 2018 (ENG)
P. 51


                          Diagram 4
                          common areas of non-compliance with approved accounting standards and regulatory actions taken

                                    common areas of non-compliance                        Actions taken

                                     Impairment assessment
                                     •   Unreasonable and unsupported assumptions
                                     •   Incorrect preparation of cash flow projections        Administrative actions
                                                                                               on 3 PLCs and 12
                                $    Revenue recognition                                       directors
                                         Point of revenue recognition was wrongly determined
                                     Share-based payment                                       Supervisory Letters to
                                     •   Inappropriate valuation of schemes related to         3 PLCs and its board of
                                         share-based payment                                   directors and 11 former
                                     Joint arrangement
                                     •   Wrong classification of investments in a
                                         joint arrangement

                           Ensuring orderly trading conduct                There was an encouraging trend of increasing
                           through proactive surveillance                  proactiveness by intermediaries in addressing
                                                                           concerns on trading irregularities. Intermediaries
                           The SC continues to reinforce orderly trading   actively initiated communications with Bursa
                           conduct and governance among market participants   Malaysia on potential trading irregularities.  The
                           through market surveillance. Pre-emptive measures   number of intermediaries with trade surveillance
                           were undertaken in collaboration with Bursa     system also doubled in the last three years.
                           Malaysia as the frontline regulator, to address
                           undesirable trading practices that can pose risks to
                           the integrity of the capital market. These measures   Regulatory actions against pump-and-
                           also serve as a reminder to market participants of   dump schemes on the internet and
                           their roles and responsibilities in maintaining a fair   social media
                           and orderly market. When necessary, engagements
                           were held to communicate the standards of conduct   The SC continues to dedicate its market
                           and governance expected of them.                surveillance and enforcement efforts towards
                                                                           protecting investors from falling prey to pump-
                           To complement the SC’s pre-emptive surveillance   and-dump schemes on the internet and social
                           measures, communication notes were issued by    media. A range of actions were undertaken to
                           Bursa Malaysia to provide clarity on the expectations   halt the operations of identified pump-and-dump
                           of trading conduct by intermediaries. It also   schemes. This included engagements with the
                           encourages the adoption of recommended controls   perpetrators which resulted in them ceasing their
                           and best practices to deter and prevent market   activities.

                                                                                               PART 2 »» SHAPING MARKET CONDUCT  |  41

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