Page 49 - SC Annual Report 2018 (ENG)
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                           governance excellence, the SC spearheaded the   discussed were the impact of technology and
                           establishment of the Institute of Corporate Directors   innovation on corporate governance, board practices
                           Malaysia (ICDM), which was officially launched by the   in relation to climate-related risks and disclosures as
                           Minister of Finance, Lim Guan Eng on 1 October 2018.  well as the use of flexibility and proportionality in
                                                                           corporate governance frameworks. The Roundtable
                           ICDM offers an array of services including      also saw the launch of the second edition of the
                           programmes to meet the professional development   OECD Asian Equity Market Review 2018 and the
                           needs of directors, board effectiveness evaluations   OECD Report on Flexibility and Proportionality in
                           and housing a registry of profiles for companies to   Corporate Governance.
                           source for board candidates.
                                                                           The SC also participated in the biennial Corporate
                           ICDM has also established linkages with other   Governance Watch (CG Watch) regional survey
                           institutes of directors within the ASEAN region   undertaken by the Asian Corporate Governance
                           and globally to facilitate greater collaboration and   Association (ACGA) in collaboration with CLSA. The
                           knowledge sharing as well as to stay abreast of   survey reviews 12 Asian markets on their standards
                           business and governance developments.           of corporate governance in relation to seven areas
                                                                           including the strength of rules and regulations,
                                                                           efforts made by regulators to improve corporate
                           Greater involvement in international            governance standards, corporate governance
                           efforts on corporate governance                 practices of listed companies and effectiveness of
                                                                           audit regulation. In CG Watch 2018, Malaysia was
                           The SC continues to participate and contribute   the biggest gainer moving from sixth (2016) to fourth
                           towards international efforts to advocate the   position. Malaysia’s best performing category was in
                           adoption of corporate governance practices through   relation to the role of regulators, where the consistent
                           its participation at the Organisation for Economic   effort of regulators in promoting corporate
                           Co-operation and Development (OECD) Corporate   governance reforms was recognised. This includes
                           Governance Committee (CGC). The CGC co-         the use of innovative approaches to address
                           ordinates and guides the OECD’s work on corporate   corporate governance concerns including the
                           governance and is responsible for the formulation   two-tier voting process for the reappointment of
                           and implementation of the G20/OECD Principles   independent directors and the use of technology to
                           on Corporate Governance – a globally accepted   review the adoption of the MCCG. The SC’s Audit
                           reference point for corporate governance standards.   Oversight Board was also commended as one of the
                                                                           region’s most effective audit regulator.
                           In 2018, the SC’s participation status in the
                           CGC was upgraded from Invitee to Participant
                           in recognition of its commitment and efforts to   cuLTIVATInG Good conducT
                           advance corporate governance standards and       THRouGH SuRVEILLAncE And
 Companies with at least one woman director   involvement in various OECD initiatives since 2013.   SuPERVISIon
 Overall: 571 PLCs (70%)   On 7 and 8 November 2018, the SC hosted the
 –   Large* PLCs: 105
 –   Non–large PLCs: 466   OECD Asian Roundtable on Corporate Governance   Promoting fair and orderly market
                           (Roundtable) meeting in Kuala Lumpur, which was   through surveillance
                           attended by over 100 regulators, investors, listed
                           companies and corporate governance advocates    A robust and effective corporate surveillance
                           from across Asia to discuss the latest corporate   framework is needed to promote and maintain a
                           governance developments. Among the issues       fair, efficient, and transparent capital market.

                                                                                               PART 2 »» SHAPING MARKET CONDUCT  |  39

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