Page 52 - SC Annual Report 2018 (ENG)
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                        In 2018, the SC also issued a cautionary statement   The SC and China’s Ministry of Finance (MOF China)
                        on pump-and-dump activities to raise public     signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) on
                        awareness on the questionable motives and mode   20 August 2018 to facilitate cross-border regulatory
                        of operations behind such schemes. The public was   co-operation on accounting and audit matters.
                        also reminded to be vigilant and take steps to verify   Signatories were MOF China Minister Liu Kun and
                        stock promotions on blogs, chat forums and social   the former SC Chairman, Tan Sri Dato’ Seri Ranjit
                        media platforms.                                Ajit Singh. The signing ceremony was witnessed
                                                                        by the Prime Minister of Malaysia, Tun Dr Mahathir
                                                                        Mohamad and the Premier of the People’s Republic
                        Strengthening cross-border surveillance         of China, Li Keqiang.

                        Cross-border collaboration with foreign regulators   Reinforcing good conduct among
                        is critical to support the SC’s surveillance efforts   intermediaries
                        to detect or prevent corporate transgression by
                        parties outside Malaysia. The SC’s ability to obtain   The SC employs a wide range of supervisory tools
                        and share information with international regulatory   encompassing structured assessments, thematic
                        counterparts through the IOSCO Multilateral     reviews and for-cause assessments to ensure that
                        Memorandum of Understanding (MMoU) has          intermediaries adhere to standards of business
                        strengthened its enforcement capabilities and reach   conduct and assess the soundness of their
                        in dealing with cross-border market misconduct.   operational and prudential framework. In 2018,
                                                                        the SC conducted supervisory assessments on 138

                        Diagram 5
                        Supervisory tools and objectives

                                       Supervisory Tools                                 objectives

                                For-cause assessments                                    Prevention
                                •   Cases that arise from supervisory concerns           Effective oversight for preventive
                                    or complaints                                        action
                                •   Engage the intermediaries to further
                                    investigate the issues

                                Structured assessments                                   detection
                                •   Regular periodic review                              Identification of non-sustainable
                                •   Assess specific areas                                trends and potential vulnerabilities
                                •   Verification of systems, processes or controls
                                continuous off-site monitoring                           Intervention
                                •   Systematic analysis of info / data to identify       Timely intervention to prevent
                                    emerging risks                                       the escalation of breaches and
                                •   Desktop review of policies & procedures              manage risk

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