Page 48 - SC Annual Report 2018 (ENG)
P. 48


                        In 2018, the SC continued to engage various     up-to-date information on corporate governance,
                        stakeholders to drive the adoption of corporate   obtain deeper insight on trends and enhance
                        governance best practices. In collaboration with Bursa   information sharing with stakeholders. Observations
                        Malaysia, engagement sessions were held with close   gathered from the system were shared with various
                        to 600 directors of listed companies on the new   stakeholders including at the Malaysian Institute of
                        reporting approach for corporate governance, its   Chartered Secretaries and Administrators (MAICSA)
                        rationale and expectations. The SC also worked closely   Annual Conference 2018 attended by nearly 500
                        with the 30% Club Malaysia and engaged chairmen   MAICSA members, the OECD Asian Roundtable on
                        of listed companies to drive gender diversity on   Corporate Governance 2018 and at a session with
                        boards. Chairmen and CEOs of companies with all   members of the Institutional Investors Council of
                        male boards were invited to these discussions to   Malaysia.
                        enable the SC to better understand the efforts and
                        challenges in sourcing women candidates. As a   The SC will be releasing its first thematic report
                        result, the number of all male boards in the top    based on data gathered through the system in the
                        100 listed companies has reduced from 20 as at    first quarter of 2019. The report will include a focus
                        31 December 2017 to only one listed company as    on shareholder activism and voting patterns
                        at 31 December 2018.                            observed in the reappointment of long-serving
                                                                        independent directors.

                        Using data analytics to gain deeper
                        insight on corporate governance                 Strengthening the effectiveness
                                                                        of directors and supporting board
                        In line with the CG Priorities, the SC began    leadership
                        leveraging data analytics to monitor the corporate
                        governance practices and disclosures of listed   Recognising the important role of individual directors
                        companies. The system allows the SC to have     in driving board performance and corporate

                        Diagram 2
                        Gender diversity on boards of listed companies

                                    Top 100                                        Companies with >30% women directors
                        25                                 23.68
                                                                                   Overall: 116 PLCs (14%)
                                             19.2                                  –   Large* PLCs: 28
                        20      16.6                       15.69                   –   Non–large PLCs: 88
                      Percentage (%)  15  12  13.3                                 Companies with at least one woman director

                                                                                   Overall: 571 PLCs (70%)
                                                                                   –   Large* PLCs: 105
                        5                                                          –   Non–large PLCs: 466

                        0                                           Year           *  Large companies as defined in the MCCG
                                2016          2017        2018
                        Source: SC

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