Page 50 - SC Annual Report 2018 (ENG)
P. 50


                        To ensure the monitoring of corporate activities   companies to ensure compliance with approved
                        remain effective, the SC continues to carry out   accounting standards. In 2018, several areas
                        thematic studies on listed companies to identify   of non-compliance with approved accounting
                        potential risks in the areas of financial reporting   standards were identified with subsequent
                        and corporate transactions. These were followed by   regulatory actions taken (Diagram 4).
                        focused reviews on the identified listed companies
                        to facilitate early detection of breaches. Based
                        on the identified risks and focus in 2018, the   Creating awareness on new
                        SC conducted 54 engagements involving over      accounting standards
                        120 individuals comprising representatives from
                        listed companies, statutory auditors and other   MFRS 16, a new accounting standard which
                        stakeholders. The SC also issued 48 query letters   supersedes MFRS 117 takes effect and applies
                        to listed companies seeking clarification on the   to financial statements of listed companies with
                        identified issues.                              annual periods beginning on or after 1 January
                                                                        2019. The principles of MFRS 16 bring about
                                                                        changes to a lessee’s accounting model as most
                        Detecting and deterring transgressions          operating leases will need to be recognised in the
                                                                        Statement of Financial Position.
                        In 2018, the SC continued to detect and deter
                        corporate transgressions through its active monitoring   A survey was conducted by the SC to gauge the
                        and review of corporate transactions, disclosures and   awareness and readiness of listed companies in
                        financial reporting by listed companies. Examples of   implementing MFRS 16. It showed that almost
                        corporate transgressions that commonly occurred are   all of the selected 245 listed companies were
                        highlighted in Diagram 3.                       aware of the new standard and a majority had
                                                                        undertaken efforts to prepare for its adoption
                                                                        through training and stakeholder engagement.
                        Maintaining quality of financial reporting      Following the conclusion of the survey, the SC
                                                                        issued a circular to listed companies in November
                        High quality, reliable and accurate financial reporting   2018 to reiterate the importance of timely
                        facilitates informed investment decisions. Hence, the   implementation and provided guidance on the
                        SC continues to review financial statements of listed   disclosures required.

                        Diagram 3
                        common areas of corporate transgression and regulatory actions taken in 2018

                              common areas of corporate transgression                    outcomes

                                 Disposal of           Using internal funds                Pre-empted 1 questionable
                                 assets at below       to finance purchase of              transaction worth
                                 market price          companies’ own shares               RM7.4 million

                                 Sale of assets
                                 to questionable       Payment made to                     5 issues involving transactions
                                 customers at          suppliers without                   worth RM30.8 million
                                 a price below         receiving the goods                 under investigation
                                 market value

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