Page 32 - SC Annual Report 2018 (ENG)
P. 32


                        Diagram 3
                                                              enhancements to the
                        Key PRS milestones
                                                              prs Youth incentive
                                                              Government will match
                                                              RM1,000 accumulated
                         kick off the 5-year prs              savings in the youth’s
                         Youth incentive                      account with a RM1,000
                         Youth aged 20-30 years will be       government co-contribution.  launch of prs online top up                        Non-core
                         given a RM500 one-off incentive   2014                        platform
                         by the government with a                                      The first phase of the digital solution                  38%
                         minimum contribution                          2016            journey saw an online top-up platform
                         of RM1,000 in any PRS fund.                                   for current members. Operated by
                                                                                       PPA, the platform provides access to
                                                                                       PRS funds of all eight PRS providers.

                               the end of the journey for prs                              introduce mobile application                          Core:
                               Youth initiative                                            and online enrolment                              Conservative
                               At the end of the 5 years, the objective of getting         The development of the enrolment
                               more youth to save for their retirement was                 module marks the second phase of                       7%
                               met, with RM104.05 million disbursed by the                 the digital solution with the aim of
                               government.                                                 attracting new members to save for
                                                                                           their retirement via PRS. A PRS mobile
                                                                                           application was also introduced to
                                                                                           provide members with easy accessibility
                                                                                           to their PRS accounts.

                        Diagram 4                                                        Diagram 5
                        PRS members by age group                                         PRS members by gender
                           <30yrs              30-39yrs             40-49yrs


                                  33%                   29%                 18%

                           50-54yrs            55-60yrs             >60yrs

                                           6%                              7%

                   22  |  PART 1 »» ENABLING SHARED VALUE GROWTH

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