Page 33 - SC Annual Report 2018 (ENG)
P. 33


                           Diagram 6                     Diagram 7                       Diagram 8
                           PRS members’ fund             Withdrawal by PRS               PRS members by type
                           preference                    members                         of employment
                                   Core: Growth      Pre-retirement     Others           homemakers,
                       Non-core         42%            withdrawal         5%                 retirees
                         38%                               27%                                20%

 introduce mobile application   Core:      Core:              Retirement                                      Employed
 and online enrolment  Conservative      Moderate                                                                70%
 The development of the enrolment                                 68%
 module marks the second phase of   7%     13%
 the digital solution with the aim of
 attracting new members to save for
 their retirement via PRS. A PRS mobile
 application was also introduced to
 provide members with easy accessibility   Facilitating expansion of financial   retain intellectual knowledge within the firm. In
 to their PRS accounts.
                           planners                                        exchange for mentorship and guidance,
                                                                           remuneration may then be shared between the
                           With increased product innovation, financial    mentor and mentee.
 Diagram 5
                           planners continue to play a crucial role in providing
 PRS members by gender     appropriate and professional advice to investors.   The liberalised fee structure for CUTA and CPRA
                           Recognising this, the SC continues to drive the   facilitates the expansion of the industry as it
                           growth of the industry.                         encourages the professional development of new
                                                                           entrants in the financial services industry to
                           In 2018, the SC liberalised the fee structures for   transition into licensed financial planners. Investors
                           Corporate Unit Trust Scheme Advisors (CUTA) and   stand to benefit from higher quality and
                           Corporate Private Retirement Scheme Advisors    comprehensive advice offered by financial planners
                           (CPRA). Cognisant of the different business     in CUTA and CPRA firms.
                           strategies employed, the liberalisation provided more
                           flexibility for CUTA and CPRA to determine their   Another initiative to grow the segment is the launch
 51%                       respective business and remuneration models.    of the SmartFinance website at the annual financial
                                                                           planning conference in July 2018. Funded by the
                           As a result, all 17 CUTA and CPRA  are allowed to   Capital Market Development Fund (CMDF), the
                           establish and operate a mentorship model within   portal aims to reach a wider investor audience and is
                           their firms. Under this structure, junior financial   a collective industry effort led by Financial Planning
                           planners are assigned to seniors to gain practical   Association of Malaysia (FPAM).
                           knowledge and build soft-skills, while helping to

                           10   Data as at end December 2018.

                                                                                          PART 1 »» ENABLING SHARED VALUE GROWTH  |  23

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